by Dianne Bayley | Apr 14, 2022 | Innovation
The power of big data and predictive analytics has captured the world’s imagination and added urgency to the rush towards data privacy for many years, writes James Hickman, Head of Marketing, Sales and Solutions: Altron Karabina. For instance, a decade ago a US...
by Dianne Bayley | Sep 9, 2021 | Sustainability
If the CEO turns to the CIO and says digital transformation is your job, you will get modernisation of IT systems or digitisation of IT systems, but you won’t necessarily get digital transformation, according to James Hickman, Chief Customer Officer at Altron...
by Dianne Bayley | Apr 28, 2021 | Innovation
James Hickman, Head of Sales at Altron Karabina, looks at how the business and IT relationship has morphed to the point where companies need to look at technology as a strategic concept and focus on the journey to the cloud. Are we seeing the days of IT and business...
by Dianne Bayley | Feb 22, 2021 | Featured Articles
With Cloud computing now firmly entrenched on the C-suite agenda as a way to cut costs, create new digital opportunities and drive operational efficiencies, many of Africa’s largest businesses are shifting to a fully Cloud-based or hybrid Cloud IT environment, writes...