On its mission to disrupt traditional funding models and empower businesses for growth and economic trade, not everything is as it appears at Profitshare Partners.

“Some see business transactions purely as money to be made,” says ProfitShare Partners CEO Andrew Maren. “We see an entrepreneur who, given the opportunity, will go on to create jobs and bring vibrancy to the South African economy.”

Noting that the impact of socio-economic inclusion is far reaching, from improvement in an individual’s mental and physical health to building networks and raising skill levels communities, Maren says giving someone a single opportunity to better themselves can be life-changing.

“Imagine being given one chance to do business with a large corporate; getting an order signed – and then not being able to fulfill it because your small business doesn’t have the banking or business history required by most financial institutions?,” Maren says.

“Being able to bypass the cumbersome traditional banking prerequisites enables ProfitShare Partners to secure the opportunity for our clients and work with them in a sustainable, win-win manner.”

Four pillars of sustainable business

Being a fully digital operation, ProfitShare Partners was able to continue its work throughout the lockdowns and assisted on hundreds of transactions with its SME client’s

Now, as we face a new phase in the life-cycle of the virus where there is cautious optimism among many, ProfitShare Partners anticipates growth in the SME sector. Says Maren: “SMEs continued to provide many of the essential services or products communities needed through lockdown, proving their worth to the country’s economy even during turmoil.

“Being able to apply for funding via an uncomplicated application process and a term-sheet  within 48 hours of submission meant that small business owners did not have to leave their home office and could act quickly on orders received.”

Again, Maren feels strongly that economic activity can be increased  in a relatively short space of time if the focus of corporates and other organisations is inclusivity.

“Economic growth comes largely from four basic pillars, these being labour, land, entrepreneurship and capital,” he says. “If you add to that the intrinsic and lasting value of including the number of small businesses that would never get financial assistance the traditional way, we’re looking at growing business and business confidence.”

Confidence, Maren suggests, begets more of the same. “Business is indeed about making money. But the business that makes money while enabling personal and work security is the one that will bring more than just a quick buck to our economy.”

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