by Dianne Bayley | Jun 3, 2019 | Security and Legal
The establishment of local data centres by large global cloud providers has opened up possibilities to many South African businesses. However, moving into the cloud can create some complexities, specifically around software licensing. As you move into the cloud, the...
by Kathy Gibson | Apr 1, 2019 | Sustainability
By Matthew Poulter, SAM business manager at First Technology National Today’s businesses run on software, which make them a soft target for cybercriminals. However, many organisations don’t even have a complete view of what software they have within their...
by Kathy Gibson | Mar 20, 2019 | Security and Legal
By Matthew Poulter, SAM Business Manager at First Technology National One of the biggest challenges when it comes to managing and applying software licenses is that there are many variations available, depending on the solution businesses opt for. License rules also...