The age of hybrid work is here. Are we ready?

The age of hybrid work is here. Are we ready?

Just over a year ago, the world of work closed down, writes Lee Naik, CEO TransUnion Africa. For millions of employees around the world, remote work became a reality – for many, literally overnight. At the time, many people thought it would be a 21-day lockdown, and...
Driving the FinTech and regulation success story

Driving the FinTech and regulation success story

Tell me if you’ve heard this one before, writes Lee Naik, chief executive officer, TransUnion Africa: Somewhere in Africa, some savvy entrepreneurs come up with a potentially disruptive solution to a longstanding infrastructural challenge. They found their own...
How to: The ‘no BS guide to innovation’

How to: The ‘no BS guide to innovation’

If there’s anything that my time as a digital transformation leader has taught me, it’s that everyone is a lot iffier about innovation than they let on, writes Lee Naik, TransUnion Africa CEO. Every good business leader knows that innovation is necessary, but the...
Finance: Exploring new world of Blockchain

Finance: Exploring new world of Blockchain

By Lee Naik, MD of Accenture Digital SA If the previous decade was the age of mobile banking, the next looks set to be the era of Blockchain. Its decentralisation and community-based assurance means it allows for faster and more secure transactions, comprehensive...